The Lord is loving His seekers in Russia

In many places such as Russia, so many have been touched by the written ministry of Watchman Nee
and Witness Lee. Today we are the beneficiaries of all the writings of our brothers.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Walking on Ice ~ Part 1

Ice is a tricky thing.

I may think that I'm doing fine, and then one missplaced step--
                    and a foot slidezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

Irina, the dear sister who locks her arm in mine, keeps me upright!

              Count on it--not too often, but just a tiny bit--
I help keep her up when she has a tiny slide.

We all know who the clumsy one Is, eh?

She reminds me of the wonderful verses about this matter:

Ecclesiastes 4:12 says,

And while a man may prevail against the one, the two will withstand him;
And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

Actually, for three of us to link arms and walk on the sidewalk together is not bad, but it might block traffic because we still walk just a bit more slowly than the experienced Russians. You know who is keeping things at a sedate pace probably.

Ha ha. I always thought of myself as the quick one. And just to slide off for a moment on the stream of consciousness, I used to always wonder why does the Lord judge just the quick and the dead? What about the slow and the living, or the good and the bad, or the beauty and the beast, or the fickle and the feeble, or the slippery and the strong?

Irina reminds me of the wonderful verses in Exodus about the standing boards in the tabernacle:

And         you
shall      make
the     boards
for           the
tabernacle of
acacia wood,
standing   up.
Ten      cubits
shall   be   the
length   of    a
the   width   of
each      board.

If a board is one and a half cubits, it means that it is only half of a whole unit (three!). Every believer is a half unit needing to be matched by another to form a complete unit for God's building.

I am finding that I need the others.

And speaking of skating on Ice as I walk, do pray for me that I will be filled with the Lord and mingled with Him so that I can go in and go out among God's people here in the wonderful, all-fitting humanity of the Lord.
Do you see what I mean?? Thanks!

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