The Lord is loving His seekers in Russia

In many places such as Russia, so many have been touched by the written ministry of Watchman Nee
and Witness Lee. Today we are the beneficiaries of all the writings of our brothers.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mr. Grass -- a Story That Will Grow

Mister Grass ~ Part 1

Hi kids!

On the day Grandma came to stay at my house, I was just a head.


(NO hair.)

But Zhenia took good care of me:
              ~ She soaked me in water!

                     ~She put me in the sunny window!

                              ~She waited patiently for the water and the sun!

Ha Ha!!

' ' '

A little bit of hair!

What do you think will happen next??


Mister Grass ~ Part 2

Hi kids!!

Two days have gone by.
It is very
cold in Moscow, but it is sunny in my window.

Have you been wondering what Mr. Grass has been doing?

                              Is he growing?


                                                                      We need to see.

Here is what he looks like two days later!!

                                   ' ' ' '                       | | | |
He used to be like this:     O      then:        O

What will happen next??

I have a question for you to think about:
Do you think he closes his eyes at night?


Mr. Grass ~ Part 3

Here we are on the sunny window sill where Mr. Grass likes to sit.


                      What do we see here?

                                                Can we see Mr. Grass today?

Is he hiding?

                       Come out, Mr. Grass!

                                                   Do you see him today?

Let's look again, and this time, call out:


Do you see him now?


But I am guessing that you can see someone else!

Who do you see today?

Hi Miss Kitty! How are you today?

                     Are you sitting in the sunny window sill this morning?

                                                  Have you seen Mr. Grass today?

Miss Kitty thinks that we should look more carefully in the next picture,
because she has seen him this morning. Look again!

Do you see Mr. Grass now?

                                   Is he hiding?

Ask him to come out:
                                  Come out, come out, Mr Grass!!

Ha ha! Now we can see him!

My my, Mr. Grass has so much hair today that pretty soon, he will need to get a hair cut!

                    What are you doing today Mr. Grass
                    Are you having fun? 
                    Where are your friends?

Mr. Grass has two friends swimming by!
They need some names. Can you name them?

Fish 1 is ________________________ 


Fish 2 is ________________________!

We need some stories about Mr. Grass,
            and Miss Kitty,
                   and Fish 1
                          and Fish 2.

Let's play HIDE and SEEK!!

                  Who should hide first?

                               Fish 1 says, "I will hide first!"

Can you see Fish 1? I think you can.

And Mr. Grass has found him too!

                                            Now Fish 2 takes a turn to hide.
                                            Who can find him first?
                                            Can you find him before Mr. Grass does?

There he is!

Now it is Miss Kitty's turn to hide!
Now Miss Kitty is hiding,
and Mr. Grass finds her because he climbs
high             looks
up                               down
         way                                               to find her.

Mr. Grass found Miss Kitty because she has such pink wiskers!

Now Mr. Grass takes a turn to hide!

Do you see him? Do you think that Miss Kitty sees him?
Miss Kitty cannot see Mr. Grass because she is looking in the wrong direction!

Which friend has found him, Fish 1 or Fish 2?

I think that Mr. Grass has such long hair that it is too hard for him to hide now!

Maybe you can play hide and seek with your baby!
Peek a boo is a fun game! ~ Love, Grandma

1 comment:

  1. Ian thinks he will get more hair and will close his eyes to sleep at night.
    fffffwf2f2fgegeffegfeee (That was from Ian)
