The Lord is loving His seekers in Russia

In many places such as Russia, so many have been touched by the written ministry of Watchman Nee
and Witness Lee. Today we are the beneficiaries of all the writings of our brothers.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

For the Foodies ~ a Puzzle!

This is a posting with the requirement that if you read it, you must post a comment.

But there is a caveat!
(No, not fish eggs! That is caviar. Something different.)

If you already know what this is, can you kindly NOT post?
Let the ones who don't know leave a comment.

Thank you.

If you are in the know, and you feel you must post,
you could taunt the uninitiated, I suppose.

What is this??

One interesting part of the packaging here is the spout at the top
with the screw cap ~ like a tube of toothpaste.

When you figure it out, post the comment.


Can't figure out, eh? Don't know Cyrillic letters??

Okay, here is a hint:
Below is another picture of something in the same category~
same kind of packaging and often used in the same context, but not always.

What is this??

And what is this?

Please, post your comment!!

HINT:  Once I heard of a poor man who came to America from a Southeast Asian country. He still had not learned how to read English, but he worked hard so that he could buy something to eat. He walked up and down the aisles in the grocery store, and he examined all the boxes, cans, bags, and packages with beautiful colored pictures of food on them. He was most interested in a large can, about 8 inches high, and 6 inches in diameter. It seemed to be the best choice because it had pictures of fried chicken, corn fritters, and apple pie on the label. He selected this one because it held the promise of an entire meal. He was sure that it was a good choice because the can was heavy. He knew it was completely full because it didn't slosh or rattle when he shook it. He took it home, opened the lid, and was utterly surprised to find it contained only a wretchedly tasteless white fatty goo. He had been fooled by the pictures on the label! It was a can of Crisco.


  1. I know the Cyrillic letters, so I was able to catch up on the first one.
    I'm stumped on the second one, though. Intriguing...

  2. The answer to the second item is in the fine print. May you have a good time guessing.

  3. Go back to John's comment; what he says has a good hint in it, and my answer has an extremely oblique hint. But if you know my kind of humor (otherwise known by my kids as humor that is not funny), you will see what I am hinting at.

  4. Hi Arla! Darlene and I are wondering if you are having hamburgers and/or hot dogs. :) We have learned from you to be good students. We did our homework. :) (And John's hint was a good one.)

  5. Bingo, Heather. The fine print at the bottom of the second picture says (in Cyrillic letters) MAEONEZ!
