The Lord is loving His seekers in Russia

In many places such as Russia, so many have been touched by the written ministry of Watchman Nee
and Witness Lee. Today we are the beneficiaries of all the writings of our brothers.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Some snow stories for the grandkids

Hi, I miss seeing you already! How are you?
I am enjoying something new! I like snow.

Here is a picture of some snow.

As you can see, there is a lot of snow.
And if you look way off in the distance, what do you see?
I think that you can see a snowman.
Enlarge the picture, and you will see he has balloons.
How many does he have?

Here is another snowman.

Yes, it is a really fancy snowman!
He has button eyes, a carrot stub of a nose, and a tin hat.
Very jaunty, don't you think?
The tin hat has Pooh Bear and Piglet on it.

It turns out that the snowman with the fancy hat is looking at the snowman
that you saw in the picture above.
Here he is close up. His hat is a crown of twigs, right?

He seems to be a cocky snowman, saying to Mr. Fancy Pooh Tin Hat
that his sticks are the best hat.
He can put a snowball up in his twig crown.
He's ready for a snowball fight.

And here is another snowman! He has ears!

He is looking at you very carefully, I think. And he is winking at you!

Can he hear the pitterpitter of the little doggie coming down the path?
Maybe, since he has such big ears!

Can you see the coat that this little dog is wearing?
But he doesn't seem to need boots on his paws.
He looks like he is having fun on his walk.

Do you know what else is fun to do in the snow?
Here is a little girl with snow flakes coming down all around her.
What is she doing?

She is tasting snow. She likes the biggest snowflakes the best!

What else can you do in the snow?

That is a snow angel.
Can you see it in the snow?
Someone fell straight back in the snow, and then she moved
her arms and legs up and down to make the wings and the dress.

There is something else that is fun to do in the snow.
What are they doing in the next picture?

They scratch the tree,
and then they sniff the scratched place in the tree.
You wonder why would they do that?
It is because they can tell if spring is near, or if they will have to wait
before snow melts and spring comes.
They can smell the greenness. The sap runs when the spring comes,
but you and I can tell by all the snow,
that spring has not quite come yet, right?

What else is fun to do in the snow? 

Yes, they are riding home on a sled.

It's time for me to say, Good-bye!
See you later, alligator!!
Grandma (Green)


  1. Love the picture where she is tasting the snow flakes!

  2. Three sisters were tasting together, but the shutter delay on the camera meant that I was consistently missing at least one tongue. They were all really cute. This is the youngest sister.
